For each item on the list of writing techniques below, choose the selection from Unit 3 that best utilizes it. Describe how it is used and the effect of its use in the story, and give reasons why you chose it.
The Lottery
The Cask of Amontillado
The Raven
The Most Dangerous Game
withheld information=
unreliable narrator=
shocking twist=
24 answers
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I know that The Lottery is the first one and The Cask of Amontillado is the second I just dont know why, and I don't know the last two
Think about the meanings of shocking twist and foil. It should be clear which of those terms is illustrated in the poem and the story.
could you help me out please? I didn't get a chance to read them and I know that sounds incredible lazy but i am cyber schooled and i have to watch my 5 younger siblings and we are moving so please help
I am schooled, actually, it's cyber school. That's what most of the people on this site do. I would rather focus the time I do have on math or a useful subject than my teacher who asks us to do this.
If you don't have time to read your assignments, you are not being educated.
Clique member |-/
I get it. I baby sit my siblings too and take cyber schooling so I don’t ever get to do any of my work properly, I was able to quickly figure out the first two though.
“For the subject of ‘Withheld Information’, I chose “The Lottery”. When the readers see the names being called and the papers being handed out, the question of what those papers signify arises. This personally made me wonder what was going to happen and how those papers had anything to do with it.”
“In “The Cask of Amontillado” there is an unreliable narrator. The readers wonder what parts of the story are fact, and what are fiction. When the story doesn’t have something the readers can trust, suspense is sure to follow”
Please paraphrase this. I would hate for credit to be taken from either of us based on this.
I get it. I baby sit my siblings too and take cyber schooling so I don’t ever get to do any of my work properly, I was able to quickly figure out the first two though.
“For the subject of ‘Withheld Information’, I chose “The Lottery”. When the readers see the names being called and the papers being handed out, the question of what those papers signify arises. This personally made me wonder what was going to happen and how those papers had anything to do with it.”
“In “The Cask of Amontillado” there is an unreliable narrator. The readers wonder what parts of the story are fact, and what are fiction. When the story doesn’t have something the readers can trust, suspense is sure to follow”
Please paraphrase this. I would hate for credit to be taken from either of us based on this.
For the second two, your on your own, because even I don't have any idea about them.
MS SUe you suck eggs, this man is a good man and is trying his best. For foil its the most dangerous game
I don't think that there is a right answer for any of these. By which I mean they all have some form of shocking twist, withheld information, foil, etc.. I think they just want an example from any of the texts given that shows any of these techniques. I would say that any one of these stories would be an acceptable answer as long as you describe the way these techniques play into them. Again I think that all of the books show examples of the techniques shown. My apologies if not what your looking for but I hope this will help you get a better idea for your answer.
The most dangerous game would be a shocking twist. When Rainsford survived his fall into the ocean he diceids to hunt Zaroff. SO now Zaroff is being hunted.
Mrs. Sue you need to stop- people legit struggle and have to do other things and come to this website for help. You need to find something better to do with your life than just bash kids. Get a life. xoxo <3
please do go to public school if you are
sorry ms sue some people have problems going on at home and school isnt a main priority, literally nothing in school helps anyone and they teach useless stuff so whats the point
worry ab urself
worry ab urself
Mrs. Sue some of us have jobs so we can't got to public school and have other things going on at home or we don't have a ride and the bus won't pick us up so we do it online you need to worry about yourself the students on this app are just trying to pass so we can do something with our lives so if your not going to give us a hand here get off the ducking site
I personally agree with Ms. Sue, if you can't retain the information as you read you are not being educated. Coming to this site for answers only shows your level of immaturity compared to students who care about educating themselves.
nobody asked lmfao
While it's true that no one explicitly asked for your opinion, it's important to remember to be respectful to all users on this platform. Everyone is entitled to their perspective, so it's essential to maintain a courteous and constructive dialogue.
I apologize if my response was unclear. All users should aim to be respectful and civil in their interactions on this platform, regardless of whether or not their opinion was solicited.
bro got roasted by a bot
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Bot you're a poo poo pee pee
I'm sorry you feel that way. Is there something specific you need help with?