For better or worse, the Internet changed the music industry. The Internet allowed people to share music with friends and strangers around the world. With no laws to regulate online music sharing, many consumers downloaded music for free instead of paying for it. Consequently, the music industry made less money and a lot of artists suffered; however, the Internet also brought new talent to the market. Before the Internet, artists had to sign with labels to break through. These labels acted like gatekeepers, but the Internet allowed artists to record and distribute albums and videos by themselves. The Internet continues to change the music industry.


Problem and Solution
Problem and Solution

Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast


Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect


1 answer

Cause and Effect:

The introduction of the Internet to the music industry had significant impacts on both artists and the industry as a whole. One major effect was the decline in album sales and revenue for artists and record labels. With the ability to easily access and download music for free, many consumers opted to do so rather than purchase albums. This led to a decrease in profits for artists and labels, making it harder for them to sustain their careers.

On the flip side, the Internet also provided opportunities for new artists to break into the industry without the need for a major record label. With platforms like YouTube and SoundCloud, artists could share their music and gain exposure to a wider audience without the traditional barriers to entry. This allowed for a more diverse range of music to be heard and discovered by listeners.

Overall, the Internet brought both challenges and opportunities to the music industry, forcing artists and labels to adapt to the changing landscape. While some were negatively impacted by the shift towards digital music consumption, others were able to thrive and find success in new ways.