For all their married life, Joshua and Lily Wellcomb lived in a small town in Kansas, where they just managed to feed themselves and their three children. In 1888, Joshua died from influenza, leaving Lily with three children to look after. The family was left with very little money, so when the Oklahoma Land Run was announced in March, Lily had a difficult decision to make. She thought about it for a long time, then she sat her children down at the kitchen table in their tiny house.

What is the purpose of this narration?
A. to provide a detailed description of a specific event
B. to provide a history of land runs in the United States
C. to show how a character completes a difficult task
D. to provide the Wellcomb family’s backstory

It was some three days later when Mitchell and I were brushing down the horses in the stalls my daddy was renting, Mitchell said to me, "That man from Alabama, one wanted you to ride for him, he come askin' me 'bout you. Came to the stables earlier."
This dialogue advances the plot by telling the reader that Paul
A. may have an opportunity to ride Sutcliffe’s horse.
B. may have a conflict with Mitchell.
C. will not have the chance to ride Sutcliffe’s horse.
D. will soon be participating in a race.

Johann looked over the fine print and relayed, “It says that settlers can claim a160-acre parcel and that the land will become theirs free of charge if they farm it for five years.”

Hearing this, Hans broke into a wide grin and said, “Five years is nothing! We are Bauers, and we’re never afraid of hard work.”

Johann couldn’t help but agree, for his father was as strong as an ox and as stubborn as a mule. If Hans set his mind on a piece of Oklahoma territory, it was as good as theirs already.
Which sentence from the excerpt is an example of direct characterization?
A. [H]is father was as strong as an ox
B. Hans broke into a wide grin
C. Johann looked over the fine print
D. Johann couldn’t help but agree

Her hand was rough and worn from the years of hard work and harsh weather, but her heart was light and airy. The land inspector would be arriving soon, and this land and the home built from its very earth would be hers. She would be a landowner, the head of her household, as successful as any homesteader could hope to be.
Based on this excerpt, which statement best describes Ruth?
A. She is disappointed that she is not yet a landowner.
B. She is proud of the home she has built for her family.
C. She is excited to show off all of her land to her neighbors.
D. She is nervous, especially about facing the inspector.

"If it makes no difference," I said, "then just go ahead and mess up and end up not going. You figure you want to go, though, then you treat those horses like you always do, and you keep your temper, even around your daddy." Mitchell didn't say anything. He just gave me a look and walked away, but I knew I'd gotten to him.
How does Mitchell ensure that he is invited on the trip with Paul and Paul’s father?
A. by keeping his temper in check in front of Paul’s father
B. by convincing Paul to ask him to go with them
C. by doing extra work with Paul’s father’s horses
D. by talking to Paul’s father about the trip

Which line from "]New Land New Life" best supports the claim that families on the prairie survive by helping one another?
A. Ruth’s will to provide for them had proved more powerful than her grief. Under the Homestead Act, she had filed a claim for 160 acres of unruly Nebraska land, covered as far as the eye could see with wild grasses, boulders, and sunlight.
B. “Henry, ride out to the Shelby homestead and send word.” The Shelbys lived four miles away, so Henry would have to bunk with them for the night, but Ruth knew that they’d arrive the next day with provisions and help for the new family.
C. Ruth clamored out into the sunshine as the shouts grew louder and more urgent. A man she did not recognize looked stricken with worry as he half ran, half walked toward her.
D. The land inspector would be arriving soon, and this land and the home built from its very earth would be hers. She would be a landowner, the head of her household, as successful as any homesteader could hope to be.

Which excerpt from “The Sky Will Not Fall” best shows how the Civil War affected William?
A. Now, her father was alive physically, but something inside him was different. Once amiable and easy going, he was now sullen, rigid, and impatient.
B. Outside, twelve-year-old Callie had moved closer to her parents’ bedroom window so that she was well within earshot of the escalating argument.
C. “What do you think we were doing while you were away, William? There is no woman’s work and no man’s work anymore.”
D. “Here’s something else I learned. I like it! I like the smell of the dirt when the plow first pulls through it and folds it over.”

"Tomorrow is a very important day for our family. As you know, the name Bauer is the German word for peasant. My father was a peasant, his father was a peasant, and so were all the fathers before that. We have never been land owners, and I think it’s time to change that fact, but, sadly, my injury prevents me from racing well. You, Johann, though still a boy, are the best man for the job."
Based on this excerpt, what is Hans’s viewpoint about Johann?
A. Johann is capable of racing for land.
B. Johann is ready to have his own land.
C. Johann is too young to race for land.
D. Johann should not fear the race for land.

"So you’ll be riding," said Mr. Connolly to Benjamin as they sat by the campfire in the evening. "You’ll be the one who will race for a claim and then wait for the others."

"No, sir," said Benjamin. "That’ll be Margaret."

"Margaret?" asked Mrs. Connolly, astounded.

"She’s the better rider," said Lily calmly.

"But she can’t go riding out there with all those rough men," said Mr. Connolly
How do Mr. Connolly’s and Lily’s opinions differ about Margaret riding in the land race?
A. Lily is nervous about Margaret riding, but Mr. Connolly thinks she is able to do it.
B. Lily is confident that Margaret can ride, but Mr. Connolly disagrees because she is a girl.
C. Lily is against Margaret riding, but Mr. Connolly thinks she should ride with her brother.
D. Lily is sure that Margaret can ride, but Mr. Connolly disagrees because she is too young.

“Then let’s hire a man to do the work outside,” William responded. “This is not the life I had planned for you!” He grabbed Caroline’s hands and turned them over to expose her roughened palms. “Look at this!” he said, his voice growing more emotional. “These aren’t the hands my wife, or Callie, should have. You should not be doing my work!”
Which type of conflict is best described in this excerpt?
A. social – character vs. society
B. social – character vs. character
C. physical – character vs. character
D. physical – character vs. nature

Finally, Hans turned and limped back to the waiting Bauers with a smile as wide as the prairie. He held his claim paper in the air and grinned at his son. “Now, we are home!” he said.
Why does Hans say that the family is finally “home”?
A. because they journeyed across the country
B. because they learned how to speak a new language
C. because they made friends with other Americans
D. because they have their own land to farm

Finally, Hans turned and limped back to the waiting Bauers with a smile as wide as the prairie. He held his claim paper in the air and grinned at his son. “Now, we are home!” he said.
Why does Hans say that the family is finally “home”?
A. because they journeyed across the country
B. because they learned how to speak a new language
C. because they made friends with other Americans
D. because they have their own land to farm

Hammond and George were all for that. I was too, but Robert held back. He'd had enough of horses for a while. He said he'd rather wait at the finish line to see the horses come in. Although I wanted to ride the course along with my daddy, George, and Hammond, I stayed behind with Robert.
In this excerpt, which word or phrase makes the transition from one idea to another?
A. I was too
B. a while
C. although
D. I stayed

Which sentence accurately uses the word “cataract” when defined as “a waterfall or a section of rapids in a river”?
A. The water began to move faster, and soon the raft bounced across the cataract.
B. Finally, my grandmother had her cataract removed and could see clearly again.
C. She wanted to make sure that the doctor could treat a cataract.
D. Because the cataract had become so bad, my grandfather could no longer drive a car.

Which sentence accurately uses the word “infer”?
A. I am sure my teacher will infer the answers for me.
B. She was telling a story, but she did not infer anything.
C. There were a number of hints that helped us infer the answer.
D. Perhaps, you could give me a clue or infer the solution somehow.

In the late afternoon I did the same, but all the time I was on the stallion, I was aware that Mitchell was watching me. He had appeared on the edge of the woods and had just stood there watching Ghost Wind and me as we went round and round the meadow. Finally, on one of our turns past him, he said: "S'pose you thinkin' you a real somebody 'cause you can ride that stallion."
Based on this excerpt, which is a reasonable prediction?
A. Paul and Mitchell will have a conflict about Ghost Wind.
B. Paul and Mitchell will come to an understanding about Ghost Wind.
C. Paul will forbid Mitchell from every riding Ghost Wind.
D. Mitchell will successfully ride Ghost Wind with Paul’s help.

In “New Land New Life,” what most develops the theme that hard work pays off?
A. the description of Ruth
B. the description of Calvin
C. the description of Calvin’s wife
D. the description of Ruth’s boys

Which situation gives an example of intrinsic motivation?
A. A student writes an essay to win a free trip.
B. A student writes an essay to explain his feelings.
C. A student writes an essay to get a scholarship.
D. A student writes an essay to receive prize money.

The post–Civil War setting of The Land tells the reader that, as sharecroppers, Mitchell’s family has
A. less power than Paul’s family.
B. more power than Paul’s family.
C. the same amount of power as Paul’s family.
D. a different type of power than Paul’s family.

16 answers

@princess oh shut up everyone on this website cheats dont act so superior, plus you never know what someones going through.
dont talk to me like that
😡we don't need your attitude now
so no ones gonna put the answers then?
is anyone gonna post the answers
plz im super stressed and need the answers plz my parents are so mad with my grades pleas im begging anyone i need them as soon as possible
If you guys are taking the test on edgenuity dont use those answers.
tf yall wylin
can y’all stop messing around this isn’t an app to me messing around it’s so you can help other people with there school work.
yall crazy