For a problem 225 estimate dental if your estimate is in overestimate or underestimate


1 answer

To estimate the product of \( 380 \times 690 \), we can round each number to a more manageable figure.

For \( 380 \), we can round it to \( 400 \). For \( 690 \), we can round it to \( 700 \).

Now, we multiply the rounded numbers:

\[ 400 \times 700 = 280000 \]

Now, let's analyze whether this is an overestimate or an underestimate:

  • The original numbers \( 380 \) and \( 690 \) are slightly less than \( 400 \) and \( 700 \), respectively.
  • When multiplying values slightly less than the rounded numbers, the actual product will be slightly less than the product of the rounded values.

Thus, \( 380 \times 690 \) is less than \( 280000 \), indicating that our estimate is an overestimate.