To calculate the average hourly living wage required for each adult in a family of 4 to support their monthly cost of living in Fort Worth, Texas, we can follow these steps:
Determine the total monthly expenses: The total cost of living for the family is given as $3,784.
Calculate the total number of hours worked by both adults: Assuming both adults work full-time, a typical full-time job is about 40 hours per week. \[ 40 \text{ hours/week} \times 4 \text{ weeks/month} = 160 \text{ hours/month} \] Since there are 2 adults: \[ 160 \text{ hours/adult} \times 2 \text{ adults} = 320 \text{ hours/month} \]
Calculate the average hourly living wage: We need to divide the total monthly cost of living by the total hours worked by both adults: \[ \text{Average hourly wage} = \frac{\text{Total monthly cost}}{\text{Total hours worked}} \] \[ \text{Average hourly wage} = \frac{3,784}{320} \approx 11.81 \]
Thus, the average hourly living wage for each adult to support their basic needs would be approximately $11.81 when rounded to the nearest hundredth.