Food web
Pick a keystone species and explain their niche and life cycle in this biome.
Abiotic factors (climate, etc.)
Example of each symbiotic relationship (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism)
At least one environmental issue impacting the area
What is your chosen topic? Marine Biome
As you research your topic, what are three main ideas associated with your topic?
Make sure you are citing your sources as you research in MLA or APA format!
Main Idea 1: ________________________________________
Summary of main idea:
Main Idea 2: ________________________________________
Summary of main idea:
Main Idea 3: ________________________________________
Summary of main idea:
Write a list of at least five vocabulary words AND their definitions related to the main ideas of your topic.
5 answers
1. Keystone species: A species that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance, and plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and function of the ecosystem.
2. Niche: The role and position of a species within an ecosystem, including what it eats, how it interacts with other species, and how it affects its environment.
3. Abiotic factors: Non-living factors in an ecosystem that influence the organisms living in that environment, such as temperature, water availability, and sunlight.
4. Symbiotic relationship: A close and long term interaction between two different species, which can be beneficial (mutualism), neutral (commensalism), or detrimental (parasitism) to one or both species involved.
5. Environmental issue: A problem or concern that affects the health and stability of the marine biome, such as pollution, overfishing, or habitat destruction.
1. Selecting a keystone species in the marine biome and thoroughly explaining its niche and life cycle.
2. Describing the abiotic factors present in the marine biome, such as temperature, salinity, and sunlight levels.
3. Providing examples of different symbiotic relationships (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism) that occur in the marine biome.
4. Discussing at least one environmental issue impacting the marine biome, such as coral bleaching, plastic pollution, or overfishing.
5. Incorporating at least three main ideas associated with the marine biome topic, sourced in MLA or APA format.
6. Including a list of at least five vocabulary words related to the marine biome topic, along with their definitions.
7. Ensuring that the project meets any specific requirements for video length, hand-drawn images, word counts, or additional elements specified in the choice board instructions.
- Selecting a keystone species in the marine biome with niche/life cycle info.
- Describing abiotic factors present in the marine biome.
- Providing examples of symbiotic relationships in the marine biome.
- Discussing at least one environmental issue impacting the marine biome.
- Including three main ideas associated with the marine biome topic.
- List five vocabulary words related to the marine biome with definitions.
- Meeting specific requirements for video length, hand-drawn images, word counts, etc. as per the choice board instructions.