To calculate the average living wages for both adults, sum up all the basic needs expenses and divide by two:
Food and groceries: $637.08
Child Care: $701.25
Medical: $725.58
Housing: $1324.17
Transport: $1059.03
Monthly taxes: $872.75
Other basic needs: $512.50
Total monthly basic needs expenses for the family: $512.50 + $637.08 + $701.25 + $725.58 + $1324.17 + $1059.03 + $872.75 = $5832.36
Average living wages for both adults = $5832.36 / 2 = $2916.18
Therefore, the average living wages for both adults should be approximately $2916.18 per month.
Food and groceries 637.08
Child Care 701.25
Medical 725.58
Housing 1324.17
Transport 1059.03
Monthly taxes 872.75
Other basic needs 512.50
The table shows the monthly basic needs for budget for one child family with two working adults and fort Worth Texas what should be the average living wages for both adults so they can support their families basic needs assuming both parents work full time 40 hours per week rounded to the nearest hundredth
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