Following the breakup of the soviet union, what are some of the major problems faced by many of the new countries?

my answer

How to become democratic. People aren't used to voting and being given a choice. They aren't used to political parties. They have lived in a country where people fight and struggle to get to the top, usually at the expense of others. They are skilled in edging out their competitors, but know little about forming coalitions and making friends.
Changing economies from a command economy to a free market. The government no longer controls all policy and all business. People have to learn how to run a business profitably.
Lack of state services, such as universal health care and a guaranteed job and place to stay. People have to develop their own initiative to earn a living rather than just sit back and let the state take care of them.
Countries, such as Iran, no longer look to a central country such as the US or the SU. They themselves want to be a central state that dominates other states. Thus you have countries around the world, such as N Korea, that are subject to no one's influence or control. During the cold war, most countries were either subject to one of two countries. Thus you knew your friend and you knew your enemy.

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