Follow this l*ink to see question!! It's on Brainly.

(I think it's the first option... also, get rid of the spaces in the l*ink, i just put them there so jiskha would let me post)

ht tps :/ /brainly. com /question/ 3764416

11 answers
Thanks for linking it for me.
I accessed that site, but I don't understand your question.
I'm asking you to pick one of the bullet-points that were available and explain why that option is correct or incorrect...
Would you like me to try and link you to the part of the play it's asking about?
I am having trouble understand because english is not my first language and the translated version of the play has many typos and foreign words. :) I'm almost completely fluent in english but I'm still having trouble.
You need to write a paragraph about one of those three bulleted points.
this stuff is better brainly sucks ...
tru dat bruther
why is ms.sue everywhere?