flowering plants have common anxestors with other plants and plant like organisms. the table below shows the last common ancestor shared between flowering plants and two other types of organisms
last common anxestor with flowering plants
cone producing plants 250 million years ago
green algae 500 million years ago
the next table shows physical characteristics shared between these three types of organisms
organism - can photosynthesize - can live on land - produces seeds
flowering plants - yes - yes - yes
cone producing plants - yes - yes - yes
green algae - yes
using only the information provided in these two tables, construct a prediction for how you think these organisms are related. Which of the 3 types are more closely related and why ? cite evidence for both tables for full credit.
1 answer
Additionally, both cone producing plants and flowering plants exhibit similar physical characteristics such as the ability to photosynthesize, live on land, and produce seeds. This suggests a closer evolutionary relationship between these two types of plants.
On the other hand, green algae lacks the ability to produce seeds, which is a shared characteristic of both cone producing plants and flowering plants. This difference in reproductive structure further supports the idea that green algae is less closely related to flowering plants and cone producing plants.
In conclusion, based on the provided information, it is predicted that cone producing plants and flowering plants share a more recent common ancestor and are more closely related to each other than either is to green algae.