Corrected Sentence: "Opening the door, Mother went into her home office. She turned on the lights and then discovered the theft."
Explanation of Changes:
Added a comma after "door":
- The phrase "Opening the door" acts as an introductory participial phrase, and it should be separated from the main clause with a comma for clarity.
Changed "in" to "into":
- "Into" indicates movement toward the inside of the home office, while "in" suggests being inside. In this context, "into" is the correct preposition as it describes the action of going into a space.
Capitalized "Mother":
- In this context, "Mother" is used as a proper noun and should be capitalized when it refers to the character directly.
Separated into two sentences:
- The original sentence was a run-on sentence. Breaking it into two complete sentences makes it clearer and improves readability.
Changed "than" to "then":
- "Then" refers to time or sequence, while "than" is used for comparisons. Since the context is about the sequence of events (turning on the lights and discovering the theft), "then" is the appropriate choice.
Overall, these changes enhance the clarity and correctness of the sentence.