Five Years Ago," a short story by Clarence Major Pick 15 big words and define the definitions

1 answer

1. Ineffable - too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
2. Enigmatic - difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.
3. Proclivity - a tendency to choose or do something regularly; a natural inclination.
4. Maelstrom - a powerful whirlpool or turbulent situation.
5. Nebulous - hazy, unclear, or vague.
6. Vicissitude - a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
7. Discombobulate - to confuse or disconcert; upset.
8. Mellifluous - sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
9. Inexorable - impossible to stop or prevent.
10. Ephemeral - lasting for a very short time; transient.
11. Sonorous - imposingly deep and full.
12. Serendipity - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
13. Quixotic - exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
14. Soporific - tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.
15. Mellifluent - sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious.