Five Years Ago," a short story by Clarence Major Pick 15 big words and give the definitions

1 answer

1. Discombobulated - confused or disoriented; bewildered.
2. Perspicacious - having keen insight or understanding; mentally sharp.
3. Mellifluous - sweetly or smoothly flowing; pleasant to hear.
4. Serendipity - the occurrence of fortunate events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
5. Equanimity - mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in difficult situations.
6. Proclivity - a natural or habitual inclination or tendency; predisposition.
7. Epiphany - a sudden and profound realization or understanding of something, often accompanied by a sense of revelation.
8. Ephemeral - lasting for a very short time; fleeting; transitory.
9. Ubiquitous - present, appearing, or found everywhere.
10. Mellifluent - flowing with honey-like sweetness; melodious or expressive in speech or sound.
11. Indomitable - impossible to subdue or defeat; unconquerable.
12. Cogitation - deep or thoughtful consideration; meditation; reflection.
13. Enigma - a person, thing, or situation that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
14. Esoteric - intended for or understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interests.
15. Reticent - inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech; reserved; restrained.