FYI: For fish, from the linked-to site, use 2 of the defintions:
1. Any of numerous cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates of the superclass Pisces, characteristically having fins, gills, and a streamlined body and including specifically:
a. Any of the class Osteichthyes, having a bony skeleton.
b. Any of the class Chondrichthyes, having a cartilaginous skeleton and including the sharks, rays, and skates.
3. Any of various primitive aquatic vertebrates of the class Cyclostomata, lacking jaws and including the lampreys and hagfishes.
And do not use
4. Any of various unrelated aquatic animals, such as a jellyfish, cuttlefish, or crayfish.
They are not fish.
Tectonic Plates-
Ring of Fire-
Could you please give me the definitions in science terms?
2 answers
And if you are allowed to define something by including in the definition what it is not, then for an amphibian I'd define it as
amphibian: a non-amniote tetrapod.
amphibian: a non-amniote tetrapod.