firstly, How does technology benefit exploration?
Technology plays a huge part in exploration such as providing resources to identify certain activities including, how the moon revolves, or even what the weather will be tomorrow! According to oceanexplorer (," We are using technology for exploration in various ways, such as using platforms, observing systems, sensors, and diving technologies to explore the ocean, and using satellites, ROVs, probes, and rovers to explore space. Technology also enables us to use remote sensing, satellite communication, and data collection to share information and collaborate with experts worldwide".We had to explore to invent technology which took many years. It took Zonrad zuse, the first person to ever create a computer, 9 years just to make one. Thats a long time! Because of exploration we are now more advanced therefore it only takes us 2 to 3 hours, At other times it can take up to a few days. Because of technology we are able to explore more easier because we have resources we need. I f there were no exploration we woulndt know alot of things such as technology new advanced computers we started of with a box computer and contuined to explore and find resources to help us explore and we now have fancy touch screen computers.
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5 answers
Technology plays a huge part in exploration such as providing resources to identify certain activities including, how the moon revolves, or even what the weather will be tomorrow! According to oceanexplorer (," We are using technology for exploration in various ways, such as using platforms, observing systems, sensors, and diving technologies to explore the ocean, and using satellites, ROVs, probes, and rovers to explore space. Technology also enables us to use remote sensing, satellite communication, and data collection to share information and collaborate with experts worldwide".We had to explore to invent technology which took many years. It took Zonrad zuse, the first person to ever create a computer, 9 years just to make one. Thats a long time! Because of exploration we are now more advanced therefore it only takes us 2 to 3 hours, At other times it can take up to a few days. Because of technology we are able to explore more easier because we have resources we need. I f there were no exploration we woulndt know alot of things such as technology new advanced computers we started of with a box computer and contuined to explore and find resources to help us explore and we now have fancy touch screen computers.
secondly, How did we revolve our farming practices? Farming and planting years ago was much harder than today. Because of exploration, it is now more
modern. According to Kaden Hustson, Farming centuries ago were not an easy task. It required a lot of physical labor with very simple devices. The most common crops were barley, cotton, and wheat. Farming today requires much less manpower with the help of advanced tractors and combines. Farming today is more advanced as there was only two main crops planted in illinois, corn and soybeans. It is nothing like strapping up the horse, hooking it to the drill, and having the horse walk through the field. Today you jump in the tractor, set up your monitor, and set up your A-B line so you have a straight row going through the field. Today we are so advanced that tractors are starting to drive themselves through the field and turn by themselves. This tractor does not even require a human to be in it.The more we explore the more we will discover new things such as new tractors and easier ways of planting and collecting crops without hand! Without exploration we would not have the amount of crops we have today almost 4.14 bilion each year! Thats alot of crops.
Lastly, What are the benefits of exploring climate change? Earth exploration is the investigation of the surface of the Earth and of its interior.Exploration of earth is simply just exploring new things. If we weren't to explore earth we wouldn't be aware of hurricanes and other natural disasters, but because of exploration we are warned in advance. According to Breckingthecycle ( , "Exploration is the driving force behind humankind. We have been exploring since the dawn of time, because it is at the centre of everything we do. From birth, we learn through experience and we can make better decisions tomorrow from the information we have unearthed today". Because of climate change areas are becoming warmer making water evaporate and dry out meaning that alot of marine animals are dying but without exploration we wouldnt know about this problem. Even in places that are colder like antarcticia is getting warm also making it dangrous for animals that are required to be in cold areas. we should encourage people to want to explore more to try to figure out a solution to this.
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