First slide: I not know what to put on first slide, I was putting theme of story (If you look back you will be destroyed) but I not want to give this away in starting, I give it in end. For first slide I want to say something like “He couldn’t follow the light to his heart” I not know if this sound right.
7 answers
What are you supposed to communicate in this slide show? What are your teacher's instructions for this show?
i only supposed to show theme of story on slideshow presentation. 100 word summary. few words on each slide. teacher actually say i can add clips between the slides. i start slidshow from darkness and go light cause this what happen in jake life. i watch hindi stuff so teacher say to show bernice entrance in jake life i can add clip in which girl flys her scarf and add music in there too.
You have some wonderful ideas.
For your first slide -- how about a picture of Orpheus and Eurydice?
For your first slide -- how about a picture of Orpheus and Eurydice?
thank you very much ms. sue that be soo perfect for my first slide :D i put picture of orpheus and eurydice without any words? i not think first slide need words then, the picture express everything on own.
Yes! :-)
thanks soo much ms. sue :D
You're very welcome, Mohammad!