They all look right.
I didn't find anything about "government ceremony."
Check your text or this site.
First Nations Assignment
Fact Chart
Food = caribou, musk-ox, sea mammals-seal, walrus, & whales, fish, snow
Shelter = iglus, tents of animal hide
Clothing = Winter pants, parkas, double boots of sealskin & caribou hide, mittens of caribou hide
Social Organization = Trading partnerships, emphasized patrilineal bonds
Government ceremony = ?
I have other parts to this chart that I'll be posting one by one. Meaning that I've done the Inuit, I have four more groups to go. Please add information I've missed; I'm not sure if I've done the social Organization right.
8 answers
Government ceremony = Governing council of the local community?
That could be. But a ceremony is more than a council.
Would emphasized patrilineal bonds go under government ceremony?
This is what my text says:
Government ceremony: The elders of the male line of the family always directed the other members of the community in proper behaviour and also formed a governing council of the local community.
Please tell me in short form what I would put under Government Ceremony.
Government ceremony: The elders of the male line of the family always directed the other members of the community in proper behaviour and also formed a governing council of the local community.
Please tell me in short form what I would put under Government Ceremony.
Government ceremony: Older men ruled the community.
You're welcome.