First and foremost, do not turn in the graphic organizer as your essay. Write your narrative using your own original document. This makes it easier to read and allows for your ideas to flow.

You did the following:

Prompt: Write a narrative about an object and how it brings people together who are otherwise strangers. The object is clearly introduced and part of the story.
Structure creates a desired effect, such as mystery, tension or surprise.
Has clear beginning, middle and end (plot).

How to improve?:

The prompt should more obviously be connected.
Some parts of the story are hard to understand or have details that are not connected to the story.
You must include the required structure expected in the plot of a narrative.
Characters need more development.


You can rewrite this assignment and submit it through webmail for additional points.

Points were deducted if you submitted the graphic organizer. You were instructed to create a new document with your paragraph for submission.

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Narrative Writing Graphic Organizer
Prompt: Write a narrative about an object and how it brings people together who are otherwise strangers.
Title: The Gathering Stone
Introduction (3-5 sentences):
Paragraph 1:
● Hook/Attention-Grabber ( You can start with a flashback, question, quote):
● Background Information (Be sure to mention the object):
● Thesis Statement (Main idea of the narrative)
Hook Sentence Stems:
"In the heart of a small town, there existed an old, weathered object that held a mysterious charm..."
"Nestled in the corner of a busy street, an unassuming item quietly stood, waiting to reveal its magic..."
"Amid the hustle and bustle of city life, a seemingly ordinary object had a way of drawing people together..."
"Tucked away in a quaint shop, an antique artifact became a beacon for strangers seeking connection..."
"In a cozy café, a unique object caught the attention of everyone who walked in, sparking unexpected friendships..."
Hook: In a cozy café, a unique object caught the attention of everyone who walked in, sparking unexpected friendships, that it brightens the whole crowd to come together from their own perspectives into communication.
Object: The Gathering Stone stood at the center of the café, that its characteristics was a round, plane rock with ancient carvings, representing a symbol of integrity.
Thesis Statement: The Gathering Stone was served as a prompt for attracting others among strangers, turning the café into a center of friendship and protection.

Body Paragraphs (7-9 sentences each paragraph):
Paragraph 2:
● Setting (Time and place)
● Introduction of the people involved
● Description of the situation:
Sentence Stems:
"The place was [setting description], and it felt..."
"Amidst the [setting element], I encountered..."
"The atmosphere was charged with [emotional atmosphere], as..."
"My companions, [character names], and I stood..."

Setting: The place was a cunning café birdling at the corner of Mainstreet, charged with the pleasant smell of coffee and the sound of laughter and chatting and some bright sunlight had entered through its windows, emitting a cozy lighting around the room, sensing a warm and comforting mood.
Introduction: Sponsors diverse from exhausted office workers to college students, attempting a time for creativity and tranquility. In one scene, a bunch of freshmen people, Marcus and Sarah, sat shyly at a small table hurrying around the café.
Description of the situation: When the sound of the cups and all the talking have fed them up, they were scared to join other people’s conversations, that the Gathering Stone’s brightness that was in the center, had encouraged and reminded them to join in, but they were still anxious and uncertain if they would want to join and fit in with the café’s customers.

Paragraph 3:
Rising Action:
● Key events leading to the climax
● What happened next?
● Mention details surrounding the object. Create a mental picture in your reader’s minds.
● Most intense point of the story.
● How did the characters feel? If you are part of the story how did you feel?
Rising Action and Climax Sentence Stems:
"With each passing [event], the tension grew..."
"As I observed, the events unfolded, and I began to feel the weight of..."
"The object could be described as one that…
"Did anything happen to build or create suspense surrounding this object?
What happened next? With each minute passing, the tension grew more into the café, so they could appreciate the Gathering Stone and give out their ideas about its legends and stories. That others start to gather around and explaining stories about how the stone had encouraged them to join with people in many times of their loneliness.
Was there any tension? Yes, as the whole atmosphere had conveyed, the tension was fallen, that Marcus and Sarah had felt an inviting need to go near the stone and as they picked it up, a wave of eagerness had flowed across the café and all the people had faced them, as they welcomed them happily.
Describe the reaction to the object and impact in detail: Their reactions in detail as Sarah and Marcus felt their experience of their nervousness, that was replaced by a brighter sense of belonging, that happiness and laughter have came to them, making a connection to come desperately into their group.

Paragraph 4:
Falling Action:
● Consequences of the climax
● Revelations and conclusions based on the situation.
Sentence Stems:
“The object was so important that it created a….”
“The object could stand for…”
“The object made the characters_________ and _________feel….”
What was the impact of this object and situation on all involved? The object made the characters feel encouraged and determined to explain by sharing their feelings and thoughts as the others have involved listening, since they all have knew that they were part of the same experience of living their shyness.

Conclusion (5-7 sentences):
Paragraph 5:
● What happened as a result of the encounter with this object?
● Lessons learned or insights gained.
● Thought-provoking statement or memorable closing line.
● Overall theme or message from your experience.
Sentence Stems:
"Looking back on that experience, I now understand..."
"In the aftermath, many were left pondering..."
"The events teach the value of..."
"Ultimately, the object served as a reminder that..."
"As I wrap up this recounting, I'm left with..."
"In the end, the journey revealed..."

Results? As I wrap up this recounting, I’m left with how important their connections can be as they were all attracted by an object that made the café to become a place of company and unity, where the walls were broken down and companionships were evolved over happiness and laughter as Sarah and Marcus tried to open themselves up to understand and improve their communication among others around.
Lesson Learned or taught? The lesson the people have learned was the importance of stepping out of their sympathetic minds to join with those around them, talking about their own ways of living with their joyfulness. That in the end, the journey revealed that the Gathering Stone could bring up a drastic change in social connection, which ultimately, it would be served as a reminder that everyone around including us can be part of a team, wanting to be shared and informed from others to communicate well.

1 answer

Title: The Gathering Stone

In a cozy café at the corner of Main Street, an unassuming object caught the attention of everyone who walked in, sparking unexpected friendships. The Gathering Stone, as it was called, stood at the center of the café—a round, flat rock adorned with ancient carvings that shimmered slightly under the warm café lights. This stone was more than just a piece of decor; it served as a compelling symbol of integrity, drawing people together in ways they never anticipated. Indeed, the Gathering Stone transformed the bustling café into a hub of connection, where friendships blossomed amid steam and chatter.

The café was filled with a blend of aromas—freshly ground coffee, baked goods, and the faint sweetness of pastries. Sunlight flooded through the large windows, creating a warm glow that made the space inviting. On any given day, one would find a diverse crowd: weary office workers, college students seeking solace, and locals buzzing with stories. Among them, two freshmen named Marcus and Sarah sat timidly at a small table, feeling like outsiders in this lively atmosphere. They exchanged glances, both wishing to join the conversations around them but struggling with their shyness. The presence of the Gathering Stone—glimmering softly in the center—served as a beacon of hope, silently urging them to engage, yet uncertainty held them back.

As the minutes passed, the café seemed to vibrate with a collective energy, making Marcus and Sarah acutely aware of their hesitation. They noticed customers gathering around the stone, eagerly sharing their stories about how it had inspired them in moments of solitude. That energy grew palpable, coaxing them out of their shells. With each shared experience, the ambiance shifted from anxious whispers to light-hearted laughter. Finally, Marcus turned to Sarah, his sense of adventure ignited, and suggested they approach the Gathering Stone. Nervously, they walked over together, hesitance replaced with a flutter of excitement. When they touched the surface of the stone, a wave of warmth washed over them, and to their surprise, the café patrons turned towards them, welcoming them into the fold of shared stories and camaraderie.

The object sparked more than just conversations; it fostered connections that transcended the initial awkwardness. As Marcus and Sarah began to share their thoughts, they found that their nervousness melted away, replaced by a sense of belonging. Laughter erupted around the stone, as others chimed in with their own tales and experiences. The atmosphere transformed completely; the once-distant participants in the café now felt like friends. The Gathering Stone had not only encouraged Marcus and Sarah to break free from their timid barriers but had also helped weave a narrative of unity among a group of strangers, all sharing the same human experience of yearning for connection.

Reflecting on that experience, I now understand the profound impact of shared spaces and objects. The Gathering Stone acted as a catalyst for transformation, making the café a sanctuary where walls were dismantled, and laughter filled voids of silence. The event taught everyone present the importance of stepping outside themselves and connecting with those around them. Ultimately, the Gathering Stone served as a reminder that we are all in this together, each seeking warmth and understanding. In the end, the journey revealed that sometimes, it takes the simplest of objects to spark the most profound connections, proving that everyone has a story worth sharing and a place where they belong.