Freedom of Speech; Oral, written, symbolic, “commercial Speech”.
Limits: Safety, Slander, **libel/**defamation, obscenity. -
Freedom of the Press: Originally newspapers, now any form of media (TV, Radio); Limits: Safety, Libel, Morals/Standards.
Freedom of Religion: “Separation of church and state”. There can be no government-sponsored religious activity (prayer in schools, religious symbols on public land, religious qualifications for office, etc.). We are free to practice any religion we want.
Freedom of Assembly: protects the right to peaceable gatherings and meetings regardless of the ideology of the group or purpose of the meeting.
Freedom of Petition: you can campaign to government officials if you have a problem or concern.
First Amendment
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of relation, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people to peaceable assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”
1. Freedom of Speech; Oral, ___________, ___________, “expression”, or “___________Speech”.
Limits: Safety, Slander, _________/_________________, ______________
2. Freedom of the Press: Originally news papers, now any __________ _______________________
(TV, Radio); Limits: Safety, Libel, Morals/Standards
3. Freedom of Religion: “Separation of __________ and __________” . There can be no __________-
____________________ religious activity (prayer in schools, religious symbols on public land, religious qualifications for office, etc) We are free to practice any religion we want.
4. Freedom of Assembly: protects the right to peaceable gatherings and meetings regardless of the
________________ of the group or ______________ of the meeting.
5. Freedom of Petition: you can campaign to __________________ if you have a problem or concern.
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