Finish there conversation there are three men speaking two brothers and there father the princess is there cousin.

Father and king or, F/k:
Yes, you're correct in saying that I cannot and will not blame her for such an error. It is possible that it could have been a misunderstanding between her and us. Perhaps our messenger played a small role, as well as the way we worded our letter. However, most of the blame should not fall solely on her because she is a woman and a trustworthy princess. Consider if there has been a time when she has let us or the people down. I believe she would sacrifice her life for them if necessary.

Eldest Son and prince, or E/S/P:
"But Father, you must realize that it appears, not just to me but also to others, that she deliberately disobeyed both your and my orders. Lon claims he witnessed it himself."

"My son, can you truly believe such a thing? Look at all the times she has saved the city and protected the people from attacks in the North. Perhaps there was a valid reason for her actions, despite what Lon says."

But Lon is trustworthy. However, Father, let's consider the situation with Ocger. You mentioned that he deliberately disobeyed.

I did indeed, and he did indeed. For I sent him twice the orders written on paper. Plus I sent three messengers one though at the last minute. Yet he still disobeyed my commands"
But father consider may as you said for the princess maybe he had reasons, or trouble.
Youngest son and prince or Y/S/P:
Brother and father consider that he was never fully trusted. Only maybe by my brother here, who gave him a chance for a better life.

No, no one thing I know and will say no different is he was at fault and is at fault, but as for the princess she I believe is not at fault for she is surrounded by enemy's who may say other wise.

So you say Lon is a lier, a stranger, no no a deceiver, not a man to trust. Father how can you say so!

1 answer

I did not say that, my son. I merely expressed that there may be more to the situation than meets the eye. Lon may have his own reasons for saying what he did. We cannot jump to conclusions without hearing both sides of the story. It is important to approach this matter with fairness and open-mindedness.

Father, I understand your perspective, but shouldn't we also consider the possibility that the princess made a mistake? She is not infallible, after all. Perhaps her intentions were noble, but she still disobeyed our orders.

I agree with our younger brother, Father. While we appreciate the princess's dedication and loyalty, we cannot ignore the fact that she disregarded our commands. It is only fair to hold her accountable for her actions.

My sons, I appreciate your viewpoints. However, we must remember that family is at the core of our values. The princess is our cousin, and as such, we must support and trust her unless there is concrete evidence against her. Let us investigate further before passing judgment.

You are right, Father. Family loyalty is important, and we should give the princess the benefit of the doubt. But we also cannot let our emotions blind us to the truth. We owe it to ourselves and our people to get to the bottom of this.

Agreed, Father. Let us proceed with caution and gather all the necessary information. We must ensure that justice is served and that our decisions are based on fairness and reason.

Thank you, my sons, for understanding the complexity of this situation. Together, we shall navigate through this challenge and find the truth. Let us remain united and approach this matter with wisdom and compassion.