What is the volume of 9 drops?
1 mL/20 drops x 9 drops = 0.45 mL
millimols Na2CO3 = 0.45 mL x 0.014M = ESTIMATED 0.006 mmols. Then (Na2CO3) = 0.006/(total volume) = 0.006/(25 + 0.45) = about 0.00025M
(AgNO3) = 0.003M x (25/25.45) = 0.00295M
Qsp = (Ag^+)^2(CO3^2-)
Then Qsp = (0.00295)^2(0.00025) = ?
You don't need to use Ksp when calculating Qsp.
Find the Qsp when 9 drops of 0.014 M
Na2CO3(aq) are added to 25 mL of 0.003 M
AgNO3(aq). The solubility product of
Ag2CO3 is 6.2 × 10−12. Assume 20 drops
per milliliter.
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