To multiply fractions, we first convert mixed numbers to improper fractions, then multiply straight across the numerators and denominators, and simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.
Here's how to solve this problem:
- 8start fraction 2 over 5 end fraction = (8 × 5 + 2) / 5 = 42/5 (convert to improper fraction)
- 5one-half = 5 + 1/2 = 11/2 (convert to improper fraction)
- (8start fraction 2 over 5 end fraction) × 5one-half = (42/5) × (11/2) = 231/5 (multiply straight across)
- 231/5 is already in its simplest form, so the product is:
Ans: B. 40one-fifth
Find the product.
8start fraction 2 over 5 end fraction × 5one-half
A. 46one-fifth
B. 40one-fifth
C. 40
D. 40start fraction 2 over 5 end fraction
6 / 10
1 answer