To find the longitude of the town where the time is 8:00am when the time in another town of longitude 3 degrees west is 2:00pm on the same day, we need to calculate the time difference between the two towns and then convert that into longitude difference.
1 hour time difference corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude (360 degrees in 24 hours).
Since the time difference between the two towns is 6 hours (8:00am to 2:00pm), the longitudinal distance between the two towns would be 6 hours * 15 degrees/hour = 90 degrees.
Therefore, the town where the time is 8:00am while the time in another town of longitude 3 degrees west is 2:00pm is located at a longitude of 93 degrees west.
Find the longitude of a town wide whoose time is 8:00am when time of another town of longitude 3degree £9=1s 2:00pm the same day
1 answer