LCD = least common denominator
The LCD is the smallest number that can be divided evenly by both denominators. One way to do that is to list the multiples.
125, 250, 375, 525
50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300
The smallest number in both lists is 250.
250 / 125 = 2
1/125 * 2 = 2/250
250/50 = 5
4/50 * 5 = 20/250
2/250 + 20/250 = 22/250
Simplifying 22/250 = 11/125
Study this site for a further explanation.
Find the LCD and add the fractions.
1/125 + 4/50=
(Points: 5)
im not getting the concept of this some help is really needed please
4 answers
thanks very much i now have a better understanding
You're welcome. I'm glad I could help.
20/250= 10/125