Find the gravitational force between earth and the sun.
I am using the formula Fg = (G*m1*m2)/(r^2) where G = 6.67*10^-11
m1 = 6.0*10^24kg
m2 = 2.0*10^30kg
r = should i use the sun's radius or the earths (Rearth = 6.38*10^6; Rsun = 6.96*10^8)
either way i use i am not gettin the required answer of 3.57*10^22N
2 answers
Neither. The "r" in the universal law of ravity is the distance between the two bodies (about 150 million km in this case). Make sure it is in meters.
earths mass is 5.97x10^24kg, and the earths radius is 6.37x10^8 what is the earths escape velocity of surface? G=6.67X10^-11 Kg^-11 m^3 s^2