Find the general solution for differential equation
(D4 - 5D3 + 5D2 + 5D - 6)y = 0
2 answers
I uh kinda need help
The characteristic polynomial is just
So, solve that to get the exponentials. There are 3 real roots and 2 complex roots, so there will be 3 terms involving e^kx and two with sin kx and cos kx
Review your section on homogeneous DEs and characteristic polynomials. Also, google will provide many discussions and examples.
So, solve that to get the exponentials. There are 3 real roots and 2 complex roots, so there will be 3 terms involving e^kx and two with sin kx and cos kx
Review your section on homogeneous DEs and characteristic polynomials. Also, google will provide many discussions and examples.