Find the area of a parallelogram with a base of 6.2 meters and a height of 9.3 meters. round the the nearest tenth

10 answers
You're close. Your instructions are to round it to the nearest tenth -- and you've rounded to the nearest whole number.
Sue I am so confused at my age I never seen this type of problem when I was in school and I am trying to learn
Please multiply again because your answer isn't correct.

You only need one digit after the decimal point.
I'm glad you're trying to learn, and I'm sorry you've never seen this type of problem. I learned this in 8th or 9th grade over 60 years ago.

Anyway, hang in there -- and we'll try to help you.
sorry i meant 57.70m2
ok thanks so much
Right -- although when you round to tenths, you only have one numeral after the decimal point.

57.70 = 57.7 square meters