Find parametric equations for the tangent line to the curve of intersection of the paraboloid

z = x2 + y2
and the ellipsoid
6x2 + 5y2 + 7z2 = 39
at the point
(−1, 1, 2)

4 answers

if u and v are functions of x,y,z, then the normals are

Nu = ∇u
Nv = ∇v

The tangent line of the intersection is perpendicular to both normals

T(x,y,z) = ∇u × ∇v

∇u = 2xi + 2yj - k
∇v = 12xi + 10yj + 14zk

T(-1,1,2) = 33i + 34j + 2k
so that would be

x = -1 + 33t
y = 1 + 34t
z = 2 + 2t
can you please explain to me where you got the numbers for T(-1,1,2) I know you did the cross product but I can not seem to get the same numbers as you. Please explain
he crossed the partial derivatives
hey nim again,
Find parametric equations for the tangent line to the curve of intersection of the paraboloid z =
2 + y
2 and the elliposoid x
2 + 4y
2 + z
2 = 9 at the point P(1, −1, 2).
Comments: A tangent vector to the curve of intersection is given by N1 × N2 where N1 is normal
to the graph of z = x
2 + y
2 at the point P and N2 is normal to the level surface F(x, y, z) =
2 + 4y
2 + z
2 = 9 at the point P.
Now N1 = h−2x, −2y, 1i. At the point P, N1 = h−2, 2, 1i. The vector N2 = ∇F = h2x, 8y, 2zi.
At P, N2 = h2, −8, 4i. We rescale and set N2 = h1, −4, 2i.
We compute N1 × N2 = h8, 5, 6i which is tangent to the curve of intersection at the point P.
Hence the tangent line is given by x = 1 + 8t, y = −1 + 5t, z = 2 + 6t.

found this at math(dot)drexel(dot)edu/~rboyer/courses/math200_sum_2012/inclass_week7_comments.pdf
and it helped, hope it helps