1. Mayo Clinic
- Website: mayoclinic.org
- Publisher/Organization: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
- Reviewed by a Dr. or medical expert: Yes, the content is reviewed by medical experts from Mayo Clinic
- Current: Yes, the website is regularly updated
- Advertising: Yes, there is advertising on the site, but it is clearly marked and separated from the editorial content. The advertising does not influence the information on the site.
- The information on the website is well-documented and evidence-based.
2. WebMD
- Website: webmd.com
- Publisher/Organization: WebMD Health Services Group
- Reviewed by a Dr. or medical expert: Yes, the content is reviewed by medical experts
- Current: Yes, the website is regularly updated
- Advertising: Yes, there is advertising on the site, but it is clearly marked and separated from the editorial content. The advertising does not influence the information on the site.
- The information on the website is well-documented and evidence-based.
3. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Website: nih.gov
- Publisher/Organization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Reviewed by a Dr. or medical expert: Yes, the content is reviewed by medical experts from various NIH institutes
- Current: Yes, the website is regularly updated
- Advertising: No, there is no advertising on the site
- The information on the website is well-documented and evidence-based.
4. Harvard Health Publishing
- Website: health.harvard.edu
- Publisher/Organization: Harvard Medical School
- Reviewed by a Dr. or medical expert: Yes, the content is written by Harvard Medical School faculty and reviewed by medical experts
- Current: Yes, the website is regularly updated
- Advertising: Yes, there is advertising on the site, but it is clearly marked and separated from the editorial content. The advertising does not influence the information on the site.
- The information on the website is well-documented and evidence-based.
Find four health related websites topics
Provide me the following on each website
Website name & URL
Publisher/Organization that operates the site
Is it reviewed by a Dr. or medical expen?
Is i current? When was it last
Is there advertising on the site?
If yes how might this influence
the information on the site?
Is the information on the website docum
1 answer