1. Website: Mayo Clinic
URL: www.mayoclinic.org
Publisher/Organization: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Reviewed by a Dr. or medical expert: Yes, it is reviewed by medical experts from Mayo Clinic.
Current: Yes, it is regularly updated.
Last updated: The website does not specify the last update date.
Advertising: Yes, there is advertising on the site.
Influence: Advertising may influence the information on the site by promoting certain products or services.
2. Website: WebMD
URL: www.webmd.com
Publisher/Organization: WebMD, LLC
Reviewed by a Dr. or medical expert: Yes, it is reviewed by medical experts.
Current: Yes, it is regularly updated.
Last updated: The website does not specify the last update date.
Advertising: Yes, there is advertising on the site.
Influence: Advertising may influence the information on the site by promoting certain products or services.
3. Website: Healthline
URL: www.healthline.com
Publisher/Organization: Healthline Media
Reviewed by a Dr. or medical expert: Yes, it is reviewed by medical experts.
Current: Yes, it is regularly updated.
Last updated: The website does not specify the last update date.
Advertising: Yes, there is advertising on the site.
Influence: Advertising may influence the information on the site by promoting certain products or services.
4. Website: CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
URL: www.cdc.gov
Publisher/Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Reviewed by a Dr. or medical expert: Yes, it is reviewed by medical experts.
Current: Yes, it is regularly updated.
Last updated: The website does not specify the last update date.
Advertising: No, there is no advertising on the site.
Influence: The absence of advertising may indicate that the information on the site is not influenced by commercial interests.
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Publisher/Organization that operates the site
Is it reviewed by a Dr. or medical expen?
Is i current? When was it last
Is there advertising on the site?
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the information on the site?
Is the information on the website docum
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