find f'(2) given g(2)=3, h(2)=-1, h'(2)=4, and g'(2)=-2


I'm just not understanding how to start this at all and what it wants me to derive when I don't know the function

3 answers

You don't actually have to know the whole function to get its value at one point, if you have other useful information.

You can - and should! - look up the background to "Leibniz's law", but it says that

f'(x)=g'(x)h(x) + g(x)h'(x)

Now, this is true for all x, but you only need the value for one x, and I think you can handle it from there.
thanks so much!
You're very welcome, Bri. And do look up _why_ that is true sometime. It's quite neat.