Use the fact that any two perfect squares multiplied will produce another perfect square.
e.g. 4x9 = 36
693 = 9x7x11 so we would need multipliers of 7 and 11 to yield a perfect square
so 693x7x11 = 9x49x121
so N could be 77, but you wanted N to be even.
any number multiplied by an even will yield an even.
so N = 77x(any even perfect square)
N = 77x4 or
N = 77x16 etc
Find all three-digit even numbers N such that 693xN is a perfect square, that is, 693 x N = k2 where k is an interger.
3 answers
308, yes exactly, I see.
Thank-you very much.
Thank-you very much.
can you plz explain
693 = 9x7x11 so we would need multipliers of 7 and 11 to yield a perfect square
so 693x7x11 = 9x49x121
693 = 9x7x11 so we would need multipliers of 7 and 11 to yield a perfect square
so 693x7x11 = 9x49x121