Final Project: Interview Profile

• Resources: Ch. 5 (pp. 213-19); Ch. 6 (pp. 225-38); Ch. 9 (pp. 330-39); Ch. 11 (pp. 441-
46); Ch. 15 (pp. 571-80) in Psychology: An Introduction (12th ed.) Appendix A
• Due Date: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum]
• Interview a person you feel comfortable asking about their personality and attitudes.
• Submit your Profile Report. For this project you will choose a person who is close to your
own age and interview that person to learn more about them. In addition to the interview
compare and contrast the responses from your interview with your own responses to the
same question. You will report your findings in an informative 1,400- to 1,750-word paper,
formatted according to APA guidelines, and containing the following elements:

o Does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he/she observes the
behavior being performed or does he/she prefer to read how the behavior is
o Does the interviewee prefer studying in a library, or at home where there are
background noises and some distractions?
o Has the person you are interviewing taken the Myers Briggs test? Report the results.
o Does your interviewee feel these results are accurate? Why or why not?
o Which experiences does this person feel contributed most in the development of
his/her personality?
o Does this person feel that he/she is self-monitoring in regards to his/her attitudes?
How or how not?
o What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his/her attitudes?
o What role does your interviewee feel a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when
forming that person’s personality and attitudes?
o Does this person feel he/she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or
extrinsically motivated?

• Post as an attachment.

6 answers

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
First, there are many books titled Psychology: An Introduction. Knowing the author might help us to be aware of what text you are using.

Second, your subject may not be aware of the meaning of some terms — e.g., Myers-Brigggs test, self-monitoring, intrinsically motivated, extrinsically motivated. Thus you will need to understand these terms well enough to interpret them for the subject.

If possible, pick a time when the subject feels relaxed and a place where there are not distractions.

Unless you are very good at taking notes, you might want to use a tape recorder. Ask the subject's permission to use the recorder.

Lastly, learn how to spell "psychology." It helps when you do searches.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
Q. Does this person feel he/she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated of extrinsically motivated?
I. Interview Profile
A. Who you are
B. Purpose/goal of assignment
C. What you are presenting
II. Interviewee Profile
A. Who he/she is
B. Descriptions and background information
C. Why you chose this person
III. Memory/Studying
A. Summarize/Paraphrase Chapter 5 (pages 213-219) and Chapter 6 (pages 225-238)
B. Does the interviewee remember information more accurately by observing the behavior or by reading instructions on how to perform the action?
C. Does the interviewee have a preference for a studying environment?
D. What can what we have learned in the readings tell us about the person we are interviewing based on their responses to the interview?
II Personality Development
A. Summarize/Paraphrase Chapter 11 (pages 441-446)
B. Which experiences does this person feel contributed most in the development of his/her personality?
C. What can what we have learned in the readings tell us about the person we are interviewing based on their responses to these questions?
A. Has the interviewee taken the Myers Briggs Trait Inventory (also known as the Jung test)?
B. What are/were the results?
C. Does he/she feel that the results are/were accurate?
D. Why or why not?
E. What can what we have learned in the readings tell us about the person we are interviewing based on their MBTI results and their feelings towards those results.
IV. Self-monitoring/Attitudes
A. Summarize/Paraphrase Chapter 15 (pages 571-580)
B. How does the interviewee feel regarding self monitoring?
C. What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his/her attitudes?
D. What role does the interviewee feel a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when forming that person’s personality and attitudes?
E. What can what we have learned in the readings tell us about the person we are interviewing based on their answers to these questions?
V. Motivation
A. Summarize/Paraphrase Chapter 9 (pages 330-339)
B. Is the interviewee better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated.
C. What can what we have learned in the readings tell us about the person we are interviewing based on their answers to these questions?
VI. Conclusion
A. What can be determined as a result of this interview?
B. How can we relate what we learned in this interview to what we learned in the text?
Does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he or she observes the behavior being performed or does he or she prefer to read how the behavior is performed?
o Does the interviewee prefer studying in a library, or at home where there are background noises and some distractions?

o Has the person you are interviewing taken the Myers Briggs test? Report the results.

o Does the interviewee think these results are accurate? Why or why not?

o Which experiences does this person think contributed most in the development of his or her personality?

o Does this person feel that he or she is self-monitoring in regards to his or her attitudes? How or how not?

o What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his or her attitudes?

o What role does your interviewee think a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when forming that person’s personality and attitudes?

o Does this person feel he or she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated?

o Note: For the final project students should write a paper that has a narrative, not just a list of questions and answers. The narrative should compare and contrast responses to the questions and highlight relevant concepts from the text. The interview and answers to the questions are just the starting point for the paper. The point of the paper is to demonstrate your understanding of how to apply the course concepts. So you should be using and citing terminology and concepts you learned in the class. For example: the fact that your friend had an interesting childhood is only a start. How do you interpret the effect of those childhood experiences in terms of Jung, Freud or Rogers?

· Format your paper according to APA standards. Support
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