Final Project: A World Apart
Germany and America
· Resources: Appendix A and Corrections: The Fundamentals
· Select a country outside of the United States and research its correctional system.
· Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in APA format comparing the American correctional system with that of a foreign country.
o Compare the correctional system of the foreign country(Germany) you chose with the American correctional system in terms of the following:
· Type of system and institutions
· Management
· Population and privatization
· Security levels, if applicable
· Prison life
· Viewpoint on rehabilitation and programs, if any
· One type of parole system
· View on probation and community corrections
· An important reformation-type amendment that significantly changed the rights of the prisoners, similar to the Eighth Amendment or Section 1983 reform
o Discuss your opinion of the foreign country’s correctional system as compared to that of the United States.
· Decide the more effective correctional system, the foreign country’s system or the United States’ system.
· Explain your rationale.
· Explain your thoughts on whether any aspects of the United States’ correctional system should be adopted or perhaps changed to reflect aspects of the foreign country’s correctional system.
· Cite at least three outside references to support your research and rationale.
I am writing this paper on Germany and America, but not finding too much about Germany at all. I found someones posting on here with the same question, and checked out the websites offered, but they don't really give the kind of info I am needing...Help! This thing is due in a couple days and I am stressing out...any help given would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
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