Final check need answers to: vocabulary words are: exhort, flamboyant, foible, innocuous, masochist, meticulous, rancor, recrimination, repugnant, magnanimous. Experts say that the most ordinary matters, sometimes create the other is_, there is bound to be trouble. At first newlyweds tend to be_ readily forgiving each others _ the wife says it’s sweet that her husband made the bed while she was still in it and cute that he grabbed her plate to wash it when she picked up her sandwich to take a bite you’re so helpful she coos. And he manages a smile when she dumps her too expensive too _ gold sequined dress in the middle of the bedroom floor. We’ve sure got a high priced flashy rug. He jokes about the honeymoon ends and the idiosyncrasies that once seemed _ Start to play seriously annoying. he begins to think since my housekeeping is so impeccable, why isn’t she picking up my good habits? Why must I wade through dirty panty hose to reach the closet? Why is there a spaghetti sauce on the kitchen ceiling fan again? He _ her to have some self-respect and stop living like a pig and she begins to wonder about him. Why does he insist on dusting the tops of the door frames when no one can see them so what if she squeezes the toothpaste from the middle of the tube, why should he find that harmless habit so _? Maybe he’s a _ why else would he be so happy down on his knees, scrubbing the bathroom floor with a toothbrush one of the old ones that he replaced after using it for a week soon the accusations and _ start she yells you’re a zealot for neatness that’s all you care about you spend more time holding that vacuum cleaner than you spent holding me he respond if you weren’t so sloppy, I’d hold you more often as it is I have to climb over a mountain of junk justice. Get near you eventually as the two of them continue arguing with each other and berating each other, their feelings of _ become so strong that a break up is imminent it won’t be long before another relationship so to speak bites the dust.