Tertiary colors are created by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. Here’s how to fill in the circles to represent this:
First Circle: Red (Primary Color)
Second Circle: Orange (Secondary Color, made by mixing red and yellow)
Third Circle: Red-Orange (Tertiary Color, made by mixing red and orange)
Fourth Circle: Yellow (Primary Color)
Fifth Circle: Green (Secondary Color, made by mixing blue and yellow)
Sixth Circle: Yellow-Green (Tertiary Color, made by mixing yellow and green)
Seventh Circle: Blue (Primary Color)
Eighth Circle: Purple (Secondary Color, made by mixing blue and red)
Ninth Circle: Blue-Purple (Tertiary Color, made by mixing blue and purple)
This results in:
- Red + Orange = Red-Orange
- Yellow + Green = Yellow-Green
- Blue + Purple = Blue-Purple
Feel free to adjust colors to fit your design or format!