Element Atomic Radius (pm) Atomic Radius (meters)
Aluminum 143 1.43 x 10-10m
Magnesium 160 1.60 x 10-10m
Silicon 111 1.11 x 10-10m
Sulfur 100 1.00 x 10-10m
Argon 94 9.4 x 10-11m
fill the chart
The picometer is an extremely small unit of measurement used to measure atomic structures; one picometer is equal to 1/1,000,000,000,000 meters.
Use scientific notation to represent the atomic radius of the elements in the table in meters.
Element Atomic Radius (pm) Atomic Radius (meters)
Aluminum 143 1.43 x 10-10m
Magnesium 160
Silicon 111
Sulfur 100
Argon 94
1 answer