fill out the table with the Reasonings for the folowing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and

genocide that the countries have committed
Reasonings Methods Consequences Risk Factors Rwanda Congo Democratic Republic of the Sudan South Sudan

1 answer

|Country |Reasoning |Methods |Consequences |Risk Factors |
|Rwanda |Genocide |Ethnic targeting, mass killings, |Over 800,000 people killed in three months, |Ethnic tension, political instability |
| | |, torture |destroyed communities, widespread trauma | |
|Congo Democratic Republic |Crimes against humanity |Extrajudicial killings, forced |Mass displacement, sexual violence, |Political unrest, resource exploitation |
| | |disappearances, torture |destruction of livelihoods | |
|Sudan |War crimes |Aerial bombings, ethnic cleansing, |widespread death and destruction, |Ethnic and religious tensions, political |
| | |, torture |mass displacement, refugee crisis |instability, lack of accountability |
|South Sudan |War crimes, Crimes against humanity |Mass killings, sexual violence, |Civilian deaths, displacement, |Ethnic divisions, power struggles, |
| | |forced displacement |destruction of infrastructure, insecurity |weak governance |