Fill out the chart with information about each time period of Native Americans:

Time Period
11,000 to 8,000 BC
Small, Family Based, moved place to place.
Archaic Indians
8,000 to 1500 BC
Lived in large groups and Sedentary.
Woodland Indians

1,000 BC to 1,000 AD
Relied mostly on agriculture and used corn,beans, and squash.
Mississippian Indians
800 to 1600

Grew corn, lived small, and very powerful.

What was the purpose of the Etowah Mounds?

How did the Native Americans living in Georgia obtain resources?

What kind of weapons and tools did Georgia’s Native Americans have before European Exploration?


Who was the first European to explore Georgia?

What were explorers looking for in Georgia? Did they find it?

What were the three main reasons Spain gave for exploration?

How did Spanish exploration of Georgia negatively impact Native Americans? List at least three ways.

Settlement and Colonization

Why did the British decide to settle Georgia (list THREE reasons)?

Fill in the information about the Charter of 1732:
Governing body:
How was the governing body selected?

Rules the Trustees put in place for the Colony of Georgia
Rules about slavery:
Rules about alcohol:
Rules about land ownership:
Rules about religious groups allowed in the colony

Explain the significance of the people listed in the table.

Significance (in your own words)
James Oglethorpe


Mary Musgrove

Describe each group listed in the table. Include their experiences settling in Georgia.

Description (in your own words)


Highland Scots


What were some of the successes from the Trustee Period?

What were some of the failures from the Trustee Period?

Georgia as a Royal Colony

What were some of the major changes that occurred after Georgia became a royal colony?

What were some of the important (successful) crops grown in the Georgia colony?

What crop was NOT found to be economically successful in Georgia during the colonial period?

What was one of John Reynolds’ accomplishments as a Royal Governor?

How were representatives to the upper house of Georgia’s first legislature selected?

Who could vote for representatives to the Commons House of Assembly?

French and Indian War

What were the causes of the French and Indian War?

What was the importance of the French and Indian War for Georgia?

1 answer

The French and Indian War was caused by disputes over land between the British and French colonies in North America. It was also fueled by tensions between the Native American tribes and the European colonizers. The war had significant importance for Georgia as it marked the beginning of British control over the entire territory of Georgia. It also resulted in the expansion of the British colonies and the removal of the French presence in the region.