Fill in the missing syllable(s) for each spelling word.

abbreviation apostrophe capitalization dialectal hyphen
incidental inclusive italics miscellaneous objective
parentheses plural possessive pre-existent preference
prefix president-elect quotation marks quoted restaurant
ridiculous self-satisfaction singular suffix syllable
la ble


a pos

1 answer

Here are the missing syllables for each spelling word:

  1. abbreviation - ab bre vi a tion
  2. apostrophe - a pos tro phe
  3. capitalization - cap i tal i za tion
  4. dialectal - di a lec tal
  5. hyphen - hy phen
  6. incidental - in ci den tal
  7. inclusive - in clu sive
  8. italics - i tal ics
  9. miscellaneous - mis cel la ne ous
  10. objective - ob jec tive
  11. parentheses - pa ren the ses
  12. plural - plu ral
  13. possessive - pos sess ive
  14. pre-existent - pre ex is tent
  15. preference - pref er ence
  16. prefix - pre fix
  17. president-elect - pres i dent e lect
  18. quotation marks - quo ta tion marks
  19. quoted - quo ted
  20. restaurant - res tau rant
  21. ridiculous - rid ic u lous
  22. self-satisfaction - self sat is fac tion
  23. singular - sin gu lar
  24. suffix - suf fix
  25. syllable - syl la ble

If you have any more words or would like further assistance, feel free to ask!

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