Step 1: Rearrange the terms to get the exponents the same for adding in Scientific Notation.
Step 2: Change 3.71 to 0.000371 to change the coefficient on the term that the exponent was changed.
Step 3: Add the coefficients.
Step 4: Keep the exponent the same to simplify.
Step 5: 4.6871 x 10^7 is the final answer in Scientific Notation.
Fill in the blanks with the correct steps for solving: (3.71×10^5)+(4.65×10^7) (5 points)
Step 1: ______ to get the exponents the same for adding in Scientific Notation.
Step 2: _____ to change the coefficient on the term that the exponent was changed.
Step 3: _____ the coefficients.
Step 4: _____ the exponents to simplify.
Step 5: 4.6871 x 10^7 is the final answer in Scientific Notation.
1 answer