What is a motif? A motif is a small, recognisable chunk of music.
• Motif is most often the most memorable part of the piece.
• Motif can also create character (eg. "Jaws" motif= shark character)
Types of motif:
1. Harmonic: same set of chords that can happen under different melodies, orchestration (instruments) and tempo
2. Melodic: general melodic shape (eg. Notes going up/going down) (sometimes changes due to changes in key or)
3. Rhythmic: uses specific, recognisable rhythmic pattern
Many motifs use a combination of melodic motif and rhythmic motif.
fill in the blanks:
What is a motif? A motif is a small, recognisable chunk of m_______
• Motif is most often the most m _____ part of the piece.
• Motif can also create c________(eg. "Jaws" motif= shark character)
Types of motif:
1. H _________ : same set of chords that can happen under different melodies, orchestration (instruments) and tempo
2. M __________: general melodic shape (eg. Notes going up/going down) (sometimes changes due to changes in key or)
3. R ___________: uses specific, recognisable rhythmic pattern
Many motifs use a combination of m__________ motif and r_________ motif
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