Fill In the Blanks

the blanks are [...] and ( Page number )
In both "Marriage Is a Private Affair" and "A Meeting in the Dark," young men fret that their fathers will disapprove of their potential wives. In the first selection, the son seems scared of his father’s reaction when [...]. The text states, “[...]” (page number). This leads to the outcome of [...]. Likewise, in the second selection, the son worries about his father’s reaction when [...]. The text states, “[...]” (page number). However, this leads to the outcome of [...]. In both of these two stories, the personalities of the young men and their fathers help to shape the eventual outcomes.

1 answer

In both "Marriage Is a Private Affair" and "A Meeting in the Dark," young men fret that their fathers will disapprove of their potential wives. In the first selection, the son seems scared of his father’s reaction when he reveals that he wants to marry a woman from a different tribe. The text states, "[...] he had always known that father would disapprove his marrying from a different tribe" (page number). This leads to the outcome of the father initially rejecting the son's choice but eventually accepting it after his own personal growth and realization of the importance of love and happiness.

Likewise, in the second selection, the son worries about his father’s reaction when he reveals that he wants to marry a woman who is not from their social class. The text states, "[...] his father would humiliate him terribly" (page number). However, this leads to the outcome of the father refusing to accept the son's choice, resulting in the son feeling heartbroken and torn between his love for the girl and his loyalty to his father.

In both of these two stories, the personalities of the young men and their fathers help to shape the eventual outcomes. The son in "Marriage Is a Private Affair" is determined and willing to fight for his love, while his father initially holds onto traditional beliefs and prejudices. However, as the story progresses, the father's love for his son overcomes his prejudices.

On the other hand, the son in "A Meeting in the Dark" is torn between his love for the girl and his loyalty to his father. His father is portrayed as strict and unwavering in his beliefs about social class. This clash of personalities ultimately leads to a tragic ending, as the son chooses to conform to his father's wishes instead of following his heart.

In both stories, the themes of love, acceptance, and the clash between traditional and modern values are prominent. The different outcomes highlight the importance of open-mindedness and tolerance in dealing with societal expectations and cultural differences.