Fill in the blanks

Light energy from the sun is stored as _____________ _____________ in the bonds of _____________ molecules.
Chlorophyll uses light energy to attach a third phosphate group to _____________ , making _____________.
ATP, adenosine triphosphate, is a molecule that carries ______ inside cells.
When a cell needs energy, a phosphate group _____ off from ATP releases energy stored in the bond.
This leaves ADP and a free phosphate group ready to be rebonded. _____ is like a charged rechargeable battery and _____ is like a used rechargeable battery.

1 answer

Light energy from the sun is stored as chemical energy in the bonds of glucose molecules.
Chlorophyll uses light energy to attach a third phosphate group to ADP, making ATP.
ATP, adenosine triphosphate, is a molecule that carries energy inside cells.
When a cell needs energy, a phosphate group breaks off from ATP and releases energy stored in the bond.
This leaves ADP and a free phosphate group ready to be rebonded. ATP is like a charged rechargeable battery and ADP is like a used rechargeable battery.