fill in the blanks

In the early 1600s, nobles elected a tsar named ________ _________. He was only _____. During his reign, Russia__________________________________.

Between the late 1600s to 1725 the next great tsar was _______ ___ Great. He ______________________________________________________.

In 1762 ___________ the Great took the throne. She____________________________________________________________

1 answer

In the early 1600s, nobles elected a tsar named Mikhail Romanov. He was only sixteen years old. During his reign, Russia faced political and economic challenges but also pursued a policy of expansion.

Between the late 1600s to 1725 the next great tsar was Peter the Great. He modernized Russia by introducing Western ideas and technologies, expanding the military, and establishing a new capital city called St. Petersburg.

In 1762 Catherine the Great took the throne. She implemented various reforms, expanded Russia's territory through military conquest, and promoted culture and education.