Fill in the blank- 5points each:

Please fill in the blank with a word of phrase that best answers the questions. Be sure to highlight your answer, use bold font or select a different color of lettering to distinguish your answer.

1. Two biological causes of intellectual disabilities include __________ and ___________.

2. Consistent personality characteristics and behaviors displayed in different situations are known as Traits.

3. While __________ tests predict a person’s ability in a specific area; ___________tests determine the specific level of knowledge in an area.

4. A student would be relying on his/her Fluid and crystallized
intelligence when asked to place the fifty states in alphabetical order.

5. The human resources department of a technical firm might use the ____________________ in order to screen appropriate applicants for high security jobs.

6. While most major theories of personality stress determinism the ___________ approach believes in free will.

7. A __________ theorist would suggest that a teenager experiments with cigarettes after she/he observes her/his parent smoking without any consequences.

8. Two major projective personality tests include the ____________ and the _______________.

9. A(n) _____________________test attempts to utilize questions that are appropriate to all populations taking the test.

10. The major drawback to the trait approach to personality is that it does not _______________________ for behavior.

Short Answer- 25 points each

1. Explain Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence and how it differs from traditional thinking. What specific steps could a school take to promote his theory in its curriculum and in its classrooms?

2. Provide a brief description of Alfred Binet’s contributions to
intelligence testing. After viewing Figure 4 on p. 373, explain the bell distribution. How does this concept relate to the intelligence quotient (IQ)?

1 answer

Down Syndrome