Figue out my language!

1.We speak this language in Belguim
2.Belguim is in Europe my language yes is yah (yaah)
4.It starts with a flem
5.It ends with a ish

Now try to figure out my language


correct but you spelled it wrong

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. "Figure" is misspelled but not Flemish!

my mom made a mistake on spelling flemish but i don't care if i spelled figure wrong but act. you are wrong i did spell it correctly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- uhhhhhhh

sorry i thaught that i spelled it figure not figue but you don't have to talk about beoples writings

Sorry if you misunderstood what I was trying to tell you. That note was to Missy who thought you spelled Flemish incorrectly. You did not!