Field Goals Free Throws

Number: % : Number : %
Taken : Made : Taken : Made
---------------------------------------Lions : 37 1/2%: : 20 : 55%
48 : : :

Tigers: 45% : 18 : 66 2/3%
40 :

If these are the results of a basketball game, what was the final score?

1 answer

The Lions made 37.5% or 3/8 of 48 Field Goal attempts, which would be 18 for 36 points, assuming there were none from "downtown" (three point range). 55% of 20 free throw attempts would be 11 made, for 11 points. They scored a total of 47 points.

Figure out the other team's score the same way.

You seem to have listed your 'number taken' and % entries in the wrong order.