Feudal Japanese society was characterized by the roles of various social groups. Which accurately describes the roles of shoguns, samurai, daimyo, and peasants?(1 point)


Shoguns served as military leaders, samurai were warriors sworn to serve them, daimyo were powerful landowners, and peasants worked the land.
Shoguns served as military leaders, samurai were warriors sworn to serve them, daimyo were powerful landowners, and peasants worked the land.

Shoguns were religious leaders, samurai were merchants, daimyo were artisans, and peasants were government officials.
Shoguns were religious leaders, samurai were merchants, daimyo were artisans, and peasants were government officials.

Shoguns governed the provinces, samurai were scholars, daimyo

1 answer

were farmers, and peasants were soldiers.
Shoguns governed the provinces, samurai were scholars, daimyo were farmers, and peasants were soldiers.