Fernando Cilebra has always ben facinated by skateboards. Fernando has won several contests, both locally and nationally. His interest in skateboards led him to open Fernando's Shop in Denton, Maine. Fernando sells street, trick, and children's skateboards. The store has only been open for a couple of months, yet sales have been very high. Recently, Fernando has come to realize that he will need some help to manage the information his busines is creating. He has contacted you to help him design a database.
After meeting with Fernando, you have learned that h purchases the skateboards he sells from three suppliers, but he plans to add new suppliers in the near future. Fernando has realistic expectations that his business will continue to grow, and soon, he will be unable to manage the information on suppliers and products. He realizes the database will need to contain two tables: a supplier table and a product table. He also know that there will have to be a relationship between the two tables. Now, he needs your help to complete the design.
1. Define and explain the traditional database design method ( hierarchical, network, and rational).
2. Describe how you would follow the three phases of the traditional database design method (hierarchical, network, and rational), considering the scenario given.
3. Include one assumption and one sample data to complete the process. All answers should be detailed and in complete format.